Back in 2012 I was laid off from my job as an engraver. I loved working there, doing what I thought was the best job ever…designing and creating for other people who didn’t really know what they wanted, just that they needed something. I decided, well, I might as well start my own business and then I can really go wild and not have my artistic abilities crushed. ( I was often told that it would take too long to engrave, so I should remove most of the design). Needless to say, I didn’t like that. So, now, I can do what I want, and design to my heart’s content.
I enjoy trying new things on the laser engraver as well. I never was one to run with the pack, and do the same old thing over and over again. I always rebelled (my poor parents, I’m surprised they didn’t get their gray hair in their 30’s) and struck out on my own path. As I like to say, “I gotta be me.” So with this mantra in my head, I attempt new things on the laser machine. Sometimes it’s a “wow!”, other times it’s ” eek, that doesn’t look good”. But never the less, experiment I will.
I do hope you come in my store to purchase a product or gift, and when you come to pick it up, it’s better than you would ever have imagined. Or even, bring me something you have made and would like to have it personalized. We can discuss what you want, and come up with a very unique and original design for that something special you made with love. Perhaps, you may even come see me with an idea you have, and together, we can come up with something original and unique. As I like to say, ” If I can’t create or design it, then you don’t need it.”
Please come by and check out my showroom. I have new products coming in every week, as I am still in the process of starting my business. I am trying to get in new items that the other local businesses don’t carry to give you a better selection and more variety. We can discuss engraving options and ideas. Let me help you bring your designs to life.
Lisa Hiemstra